Evolution cannot explain existence of creationists, concedes Dawkins
In a severe blow to
the credibility of evolutionary science, biologist Richard Dawkins admitted today
that Darwin’s theory of evolution could offer no rational explanation for the
continued existence of creationists. The process of natural selection sees
genes which provide an advantage in the battle for survival being preserved
across generations, but scientists can find no useful purpose for the gene
which leads people to believe that the earth was created in only six days about
10,000 years ago.
‘It’s a flaw in our
argument, for sure,’ said Dawkins today. ‘By any reading of evolutionary
theory, creationists ought to have died out ages ago. They serve no function in
the planet’s ecosystem, and no other species has survived so long while in such
fundamental disagreement with observable reality. If I wasn’t such an ardent
believer in secular materialism, I’d wager this is really troubling Darwin in
the afterlife.’
Despite Dawkins’ concession, scientists are quick to point out that recent
years have seen significant advances in our understanding of the evolutionary
history of creationists. Not so long ago biology was unable to trace the
emergence of the species in the fossil record, but a seemingly close
correlation between modern-day American creationists and National Rifle
Association members suggests they descended from a group of early hunter-gatherers
who exploited another sub-group naive enough to think a man wouldn’t use deadly
force to protect his property, a group that is itself all but extinct except in
small British enclaves where Liberal Democrats continue to thrive.
Not all biologists are convinced by this explanation, however, and a number of mavericks still cite creationists as evidence of a process of ‘natural aberration’ in which nature sometimes gets it spectacularly wrong, a theory popularised as ‘unintelligent design’. And, like their closest living relative the ostrich, the creationists have benefited considerably from the efforts of conservationists. A vast building programme dating back centuries has provided large unheated refuges in most Western towns, and some creationists have formed closed communities to strengthen their resistance to the advances of modernity. Scientists also suspect that a strong distaste for abortion and homosexuality has probably helped keep population sizes up.
Source: [ http://newsbiscuit.com/2009/04/13/evolution-cannot-explain-existence-of-creationists-concedes-dawkins/ ]
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