We Report, You Decide!

John Stone


Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.

    Confucius (551 - 479 BC)

It has been asked; “Why does this site talk about ‘what Jesus taught’ and make statements about his personal being/attitudes if the contributors maintain that he didn't exist?”

Even though Harry Potter is fiction, there are words that Harry Potter was reported to have said. Right? Did you read the Harry Potter books or see the movies? Harry Potter said this, Harry Potter did that and we KNOW who wrote about Harry Potter, JK Rowling. 1 And we know exactly when the adventures of Harry Potter were written.

In Christianity; their “holey babble” [New Testament or Christian Bible] contains words that are represented as being spoken by the fictitious Jesus ― just like the Jewish bible has  words spoken by a cunning, walking talking snake. In many Christian bibles, Jesus’ words are even written in red so you may know what he “actually” spoke – like Harry Potter.  There is no difference between Harry Potter's words and Jesus' words, or the snake's words or that of any Invisible Man in the Sky, for the books, the written word ― all claim they spoke.  EXCEPT blind faith Christians, Jews and Muslims (religiholics) take Jesus’ (god incarnate, Hashem, Allah etc] words to be holy and from their own brand of Invisible Man in the Sky.

Christians believe that Jesus and his merry band of disciples lived, worked miracles and preached love. They somehow fail to study their own scriptures to see the other Jesus also reported in the Christian Bible: the one who kills a tree; destroys a herd of swine; advocates his enemies being killed before him; lies even to his disciples; disrespects his parents and even goes so far as to ask followers to castrate themselves for him ― if they can bear it (Matthew 19:12). The Jewish scriptures show their god ― named Hashem, Adonai, Elohim, YHWH and many more:  approves of slavery; is a misogynist; advocates bigotry and is a self-indulgent mass killer of women and children; thinks the world is flat and much more. Then there is Allah ...

Christians believe their religion is all about “love,” understanding, and compassion ― after all, just look at the Christmas season. It is sad that Christians have not taken the time to honestly study their own religion, and that the pulpit has not honestly told its sheeple of their bloody history. Where was the “love,” understanding and compassion when the favorite past-time of Christianity was to burn alive anyone who did not believe in their demigod? And where is the “love,” understanding, and compassion in the bloody wars between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland? Oh, please don't forget the nine Christian crusades (11th to 13th centuries) to slaughter Muslims and also any Jews in their path along the way.

Christians will say; “Well, that was then and this is now ― things have changed.” Not so! Just a few years back Christians were still fighting and dying in Ireland and even today anti-Semitism is growing by leaps and bounds. Think about it ― who INVENTED this hateful anti-Semitism that the Muslims have now picked up? CHRISTIANS! CHRISTOHOLICS! RELIGIHOLICS!

Getting back to the original question, none of this makes Jesus (god incarnate, Hashem, Allah etc) real, just as none of Harry Potter's words make him real.

Religiholics should honestly face:

1.  The problems with Jesus' (god incarnate, Hashem, Allah) words which they so willingly skip over;

2.  The errors with the history invented or reported by all Abrahamic Derivative Religion's (ADR) bibles;

3.  The plagiarism of mythology of 900 or more years BCE; and

4.  The deceptions in the ADR bibles' outright lies.

After all, even Paul ― the so-called author of most of the Christian Bible (Pauline Christology)   ― said 2 that he would lie to get someone to believe Christianity. Yes, good old Paul, in his own words 3, shows that he was willing to distort things 3 much like a modern-day politician. Paul would tell the people what they wanted to hear, truth be damned. (see additional Endnotes)

Then to put the frosting on the cake, the ‘Early Church Fathers’ admitted that their canoned New Testament was altered and forged to present their concept of how they portrayed the man-god Jesus (god incarnate). They only included in the Canon those writings that agreed with their agenda. 4

Therefore, religiholics should rightfully know that what they read in their bibles are not words from a fictitious Jesus’ (god incarnate, Hashem or Allah etc) mouth; just the concepts of primitive men promoting a religion to control primitive people.

As Frank Webb said; “we are just reporting the facts” – it is up to you to decide for yourself.

On Christianity Revealed “WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE.”



1.  J. K. (Jo) Rowling was born in Chipping Sodbury in the UK in 1965. Beginning in 1996, she wrote these Harry Potter books: Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, and Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

2.  The apostle Paul says: “Unto the Jews, I come as a Jew, that I might convert the Jews. To those who believe in the Law, I come like one who follows the Law, that I might convert those who follow the Law. To them that are without law, as without law … that I might gain them that are without law. 1 Corinthians (9:20-21) 

3.  “If through my lies God’s truth abounds to His glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?” (Romans 3:7)   “In every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Jesus is proclaimed and in that I rejoice”. (Philippians 1:18) 

4.  Father Eusebius wrote the History of the Church, which laid down the course of Christianity that is still in effect today.  "Eusebius indirectly confesses that he had included stories that would do credit to the glory of Christianity and he had suppressed all that could tend to discredit Christianity. The carefulness of the historian exposed his own character of censorship" (Eusebius and the Christian Martyrs, Chapter 16, pg. 197). 

Dr. Robert L. Wilken, first Protestant scholar to be admitted to the staff of Fordham University recently wrote: "Eusebius wrote a history of Christianity in which there is no real history. Eusebius was the first thoroughly dishonest and unfair historian in ancient times."

Another scholar, Joseph Wheless, charged that Eusebius was one of the most prolific forgers and liars of his age in the church. 1



As for the writings of Paul, the Encyclopedia Biblica states categorically:

"With respect to the Canonical Pauline Epistles, none of them are by Paul.  They are all, without distinction, pseudographia (false writings). The group (ten epistles) bears obvious marks of a certain unity, of having originated in one circle, at one time, in one environment, but not of unity of authorship" (Encyclopedia Biblica III pg. 3625-26).  

The situation confronting them was not only text alterations, but entire church documents were also being forged and circulated as authentic. 

Pat Eddy, Associate of the Westar Institute – a think-tank for biblical researchers. 1

Hegesippus, an early Palestinian Christian had doubts as early as 150 A.D. about the early church teachings in different Christian centers and volunteered to undertake an audit. Unfortunately, the results of his audit have been lost. 2 

Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in 170 was noted for his refutation of heretics. He lamented the fact that he had to distinguish the authentic from the spurious in the multitude of church documents circulating in his day. 3 

Origen, an early Alexandrian Christian theologian writing 250 commented on the diversity of texts and the necessity of choosing which was authentic of those attributed to various authors. 4 

Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis, around 100 considered himself a greater authority on the teachings of Jesus than the author of the Gospel of Mark simply because he did the obvious thing and consulted with the early followers of Christ to obtain authentic teachings. 5 

Dionysius, bishop of Corinth in 170 complained about letters he had written being tampered with in the process of dissemination. He also pointed out that this was entirely consistent with the alterations going on with the gospels. 6 

Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, about 107 was one of the early Christian martyrs. While in a Roman prison he wrote several letters of inspiration to the churches. These proved to be very popular and inspired a rash of forgeries that set in motion an authentication controversy which has not been entirely settled to this day. 7 

Eusebius wrote, "the names of Jesus and Christ were both known and honored by the ancients" (Hist. Eccl. lib. i. ch. iv). Eusebius, who is Christianity’s chief guide for the early history of the Church, confesses that he was by no means scrupulous (giving careful attention to what is right or proper), to record the whole truth concerning the early Christians in the various works that he has left behind him. (Eusebius, Hist. Eccl., ch.8 p. 21).

In the book "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" it states that: "Eusebius indirectly confesses that he had included stories that would do credit to the glory of Christianity and he had suppressed all that could tend to discredit Christianity. The carefulness of the historian has exposed his own character of censorship" (Eusebius and the Christian Martyrs Chapter 16, pg. 197).  8



2.  New Testament History, F. F. Bruce, pg 405-6

3.  The Canon of Scripture,  F. F. Bruce, pg 173

4.  Early Manuscripts & Modern Translations of the New Testament, Philip W. Comfort, pg 8

5.  The Gospel According to St. Mark, Sherman E. Johnson, pg 17

6.  The Canon of Scripture, F. F. Bruce, pg 122-3

7.  THE Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church,  F. L. Cross, pg 688-9 

8.  Who Tampered with the Bible,  Pat Eddy



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