Jesus and the New Testament or “The Memoirs of the Tooth Fairy”
John Stone
There is no
historical reference to Jesus' life, death or the crucifixion―nothing at
all. John E. Remsburg's The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the
Evidence of His Existence,1 lists the following
contemporary historians/writers who lived during the time, or within a century
after the time, that Jesus was supposed to have lived:
To the above I also add the account of a great new testament event "...the graves
were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of
the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared
unto many." (Matthew 27:45-53) There is NO mention of this in the
entire world's history ― none at all!
Apollonius Appian
Appion of Alexandria Arrian
Aulus Gellius Columella
Damis Dio Chrysostom
Dion Pruseus Epictetus
Favorinus Florus Lucius
Hermogones Silius Italicus Josephus
Justus of Tiberius Juvenal
Lucanus Lucian
Lysias Martial
Paterculus Pausanias
Persius Petronius
Phæædrus Philo-Judææus
Phlegon Pliny Elder
Pliny Younger Plutarch
Pomponius Mela Ptolemy
Quintilian Quintius Curtius
Seneca Statius
Suetonius Tacitus
Theon of Smyrna Valerius Flaccus
Valerius Maximus
The abundant writings of the authors named
in the foregoing list could easily form a library. Yet in all this mass of
history and literature, according to Remsburg, "aside from two
forged passages in the works of a Jewish author, and two disputed passages in
the works of Roman writers, there is to be found no
mention of Jesus Christ." Nor, do any of these authors make note
of any of the Disciples or Apostles―increasing
the embarrassment from the silence of history concerning the very core or
foundation of Christianity.
The New Testament ― and its story of Jesus and his band of men ― is only fiction, concocted from plagiarized mythology of 900 or more years BCE. It is a fraud being perpetrated on all those not "honestly" willing or unable to dedicate the time needed to expose its lies, deceptions, distortions and creations of non−existent history.
The Hebrew scriptures upon which Christianity builds it theology is also fictitious; From a 6-day creation of the universe; a cunning, walking, talking snake; big fish tales; world flood and an "Invisible Man in the Sky" ― it is all fiction. Together, they both perpetrate a bold sham on mankind.
Christ : A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence,
by John E. Remsburg, Price: $34.00,
To establish his claim that although there is no historical evidence that
proves the existence of a man called Jesus, neither he nor anyone else could have
been the Christ, the author discusses the supposed miracles of the Christ,
reviews the writings of well-known authors of the period, assesses the evidence
offered by Christian apologists for the birth, ministry, crucifixion, and
resurrection of the Christ, and offers a detailed analysis of both religious
and pagan sources to ascertain how the Christian myth came about.