April 7, 2005



HAMILTON, MA (CR) - The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the IX Bishop of New Hampshire spoke at a Feb. 13, 2005 forum on sexual issues at Christ Church in Hamilton, Mass. Bishop Robinson said: 1


"Interestingly enough, in this day of traditional family values and so on, this man that we follow ... was single as far as we know; who traveled with a bunch of men, although there were lots of women around; who had a disciple who was known as 'the one whom Jesus loved;' who said my family is not my mother and father, my family are those who do the will of God -- none of us like those harsh words. That's who Jesus is, that's who he was, at least in his earthly life."


"I happen to think the traditional family is a wonderful thing. I'm a product of it," Robinson said at the forum. "I dearly love my family, and I love my own family, with my own two kids. It just looks a little nontraditional. But this Jesus, when you ask who is Jesus, he was not terribly mainstream, was he?"


When later questioned about these comments, Bishop Robinson said "(Jesus) lived a very untraditional lifestyle. Which is not to say that I in any way asserted that he was gay, or anything about his sexual orientation."


Robinson told the New Hampshire Union Leader he is "being flooded with angry messages" because of his comments at the Sexual Issues Forum."  He said that, "even for his time, Jesus apparently led a nontraditional life. I was just pointing out that you best check Scripture again before you use the life of Jesus to try to pronounce a blessing on that."




The Episcopal Church, with 2.4 million members, is the U.S. branch of the 77 million-member Anglican Communion, which traces its roots to the Church of England.



1.  From recordings on the church's Web site:
Christ Church: http://www.christchurchhw.org