John Stone



Do not fall into the subtle trap set by Christian clergy or missionaries when they want to discuss Jesus (god incarnate/Invisible Man in the Sky). They love to start questioning you right off with; “Do you know Jesus?” For you to answer this ridiculous question requires that you accept their premise ― that Jesus actually lived. REJECT that premise right at the start, for it is false!

Instead, demand that the Christian “prove that Jesus ever existed!” Then follow-up with; ”if he did exist, prove that he was more than a simple man.”

If they cannot prove that he existed AND with super human powers, then you have no reason to discuss Christianity any farther. Don’t ask them ― instead tell them: Ancient Historians Are Silent About Jesus! John F. Remsburg (1848-1919) wrote1 that at least 41 writers/historians who lived during the time or within a century after the time that Jesus is supposed to have lived were silent about Jesus, his disciples, crucifixion or resurrection.2

R. Joseph Hoffman, a senior research fellow of Westminster College, maintained that “the gospels are simply ‘reinforcing tales’ written after a specific doctrine about Jesus had been formulated.”  Hoffman demonstrated3 that "There was no collaborative literature about Jesus outside the gospels."

Although there is a large amount of written material from the 0-100 CE period there is only one reference to Jesus 'the Christ' and that is only a paragraph inserted in the writings of the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus (37-101 CE). Historians have concluded this small general reference is a forgery since it was only found in later translations of the work and the wording is inconsistent with Josephus original writings. This is especially surprising because Josephus did mention large numbers of minor historical figures. His failure to mention Jesus suggests either that Jesus did not exist or alternately, he was not thought important even in a minor role. In a similar way there is no mention of events such as the massacre of the innocents or the natural events which were have meant to have taken place at the alleged crucifixion. Even if one accepts this forged insert, Jesus is only mentioned as a small isolated passing remark. Josephus’ silence of Jesus’ miracles, crucifixion or resurrections is deafening.

Aside from FORGED passages there isn't ANY mention of Jesus 'the Christ' anywhere in any non-Christian work in this world ― none at all. There is NOTHING about Jesus’ life or the events in which he was supposedly involved. No miracles, no crucifixion, no resurrection, no virgin birth, no wise men, no Herod’s slaughter of innocent babies and on and on and on. NOTHING, NADA, NIL, ZIP, ZILCH!

Jesus (god incarnate/Invisible Man in the Sky) is a fictitious character set in a fictitious tale ― the New Testament. It is no different that the “adventurers of Harry Potter,” or the “Memoirs of the Tooth Fairy.”

If someone came up to you and asked “Do you know Harry Potter” or “Do you know the Tooth Fairy,”  you would think they were at best loony, at worst certifiably insane, but definitely delusional. So REJECT the premise of the clergy, the missionary and the religiholics; they are trying to sell you fiction, pure and simple.

THINK for yourselves. Logic demands that if the so-called miracles which Jesus performed or surrounded him, such as:

  1.  Jesus being born of a virgin mother;

  2.  Three Magi following the brightest star ever to see the demigod;

  3.  Herod’s slaying innocent children under the age of three;

  4.  Jesus raising the dead, healing the blind and lame;

  5.  The sky turning to blackness when Jesus died;

  6.  Earthquakes in the region;

  7.  The dead zombie saints coming out of their graves AND going to Jerusalem;

  8.  The crucifixion;

  9.  The resurrection, which Paul wrote about, "IF it never happened, Jesus then died in vain;"

10.  And many more claimed miracles, events and actions by Jesus;

that at least one of these world headline news events would have at least merited a small mention by at least one of the contemporary writers/historians. But, NO, they are totally silent! 

Ask yourself:

Why is it ONLY Christian writers wrote about this stuff?

Do you think they were biased?

Were the stories true or did Christian writers just continue their new brand of mythology?

Were they trying to promote a new religion acceptable to non-Jews, since Jews were not buying this BS? 

Christians, when confronted with the fiction of the Jesus story, will almost always change the subject by trying to quote from Hebrew Scriptures that he existed. However, when asked to show those verses in the Hebrew bible they cannot. Why is this? Because, there is absolutely no/nada/nil zip/zero/zilch reference to Jesus in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible [see analyses under the menu: CHRISTIAN ].

With nothing left to stand on, Christians often resort to other tactics. They may bring up this response; “well, can you prove Abraham or Moses existed?” A great question,4 but unfortunately for Christians, Christianity long ago swallowed those tales as fact. What you ask? Yes, Christians carry their version of the Hebrew bible in the very front of “their bible” for authority, validation, and substance.

So, the next time you are asked “Do you know Jesus” ― REJECT THAT PREMISE! Who knows, maybe you will get a Christian to use his/her “head for something besides a hat rack?”

"I've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying this is fiction." ~Ian McKellen, (1939-)


Citation of Hebrew scripture and sources in articles or analyses is not in any way an acceptance, approval or validation of the Jewish religion, its works or scriptures. The Hebrew bible, like the Christian New Testament, is fictitious; From a 6-day creation of the universe; a cunning, walking, talking snake; big fish tales; world flood and an "Invisible Man in the Sky" ― it is all fiction, a bold sham perpetrated on mankind.



1.  John E. Remsberg, The Christ: A Critical Review and Analysis of the Evidence of His Existence, Prometheus Books (October 1, 1994) 


2.  Josephus; Philo-Judææus; Seneca; Pliny the Elder; Arrian; Petronius; Dion Pruseus; Paterculus; Suetonius; Juvenal; Martial; Persius; Plutarch; Pliny the Younger; Tacitus; Justus of Tiberius; Apollonius; Quintilian; Lucanus; Epictetus; Hermogones Silius Italicus; Statius; Ptolemy; Appian; Phlegon; Phæædrus; Valerius Maximus; Lucian; Pausanias; Florus Lucius; Quintius Curtius; Aulus Gellius; Dio Chrysostom; Columella; Valerius Flaccus; Damis; Favorinus; Lysias; Pomponius Mela; Appion of Alexandria; and Theon of Smyrna.


3.  R. Joseph Hoffmann, Jesus Outside the Gospels, Prometheus Books (March, 1987)

4.  John Toffany, Fables of Ancient Israel Now Being Dissected, (December 26, 1977)





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